Round 2: BitMax (BTMX)

The 2nd round of STP’s Micro Token Offering has begun! In the 2nd round, we will apply upgraded rules to enhance the chance of winning and expand the winning list to 500 participants. All the remaining TXIDs from the first round will automatically be enrolled in the second round, and the final score will be calculated based on new rules. The 500 lucky winners will win the right to buy BitMax (BTMX) tokens at a 50% discount: $6,000 (for 1st place), $1,000 (for 9 winners), and $100 (for 90 winners), and $25 (for 400 winners). is the industry’s next-generation digital asset trading platform that provides a broad range of financial products and services to both retail and institutional clients across the globe. This innovative trading platform was founded by a group of Wall Street quant trading veterans and built upon the core values of blockchain, transparency, and reliability, to deliver high-quality client services and trading experience.
What is a Micro Token Offering?
STPT token holders can participate in a competition for a chance to win unlocked tokens of top-quality projects in the STP ecosystem at a significant discount. Participants use STPT to participate in the MTO. The more STPT they use to participate, the better their chance of winning. All STPT are sent to the MTO pool and will be part of a provably fair process to determine the winners. In the end, a handful of winners get access to new project tokens at a 50% discount, and all the STPT for participating in the competition and project token purchasing will be burned permanently.
Rules for MTO
There are 4 events in total during this MTO period.
Each week, the event will begin on Tuesday at 12:00 pm noon EDT and end on Friday at 12:00 pm noon EDT.
The 2nd event (BitMax) will begin on July 9, 12:00 pm noon EDT.
MTO Pool Address:
Activity Phases:
Phase 1 — Trigger: Buy and transfer STPT to the MTO pool to participate in the competition.
Phase 2 — Fire: Once the competition closes, the STP team checks the information, and announces the winners and the total volume of the MTO pool. There will be 500 winners in total winning the right to purchase discounted project tokens. The winning amount is based on their ranking:
Top 1: $6,000
Top 2–10: $1,000
Top 11–100: $100
Top 101–500: $25
Phase 3 — Boom: Winners can then buy BTMX at a 50% discount to the average trading price over the last 14 days, using STPT.
Phase 4 — Lock: All STPT Tokens for participating in both the competition and the winning token purchases will be burned permanently, and the MTO pool resets.
a. The MTO period lasts for 4 weeks; each week there will be a new project that is part of the STP ecosystem.
b. Participants need to hold a certain amount of STPT to participate in the competition.
c. Participants transfer the STPT to the MTO pool from ERC-20 wallet address (DO NOT USE AN EXCHANGE ADDRESS). The minimum amount of STPT to participate is 20 STPT. The more STPT submitted, the higher the chance of winning and the amount of award.
(Note: wallet address is the only certificate of contribution, users must use wallet address, otherwise the result is invalid)
d. Our platform will calculate each TxID score based on every TxID string with an encrypted algorithm, and get the final MTO score by multiplying the TxID score by a multiplier determined by the number of STPT included in that TxID. The winning TxIDs will be the ones with the top 500 MTO score. We will publish the list of winners on the STP official website on Sunday at 12:00 pm noon EDT, two days after the event closes.
e. The lucky winners can exchange the equivalent value of STPT for BTMX at the discounted price by sending that amount of STPT to the MTO pool (a 50% discount to the average trading price of the previous 14 days). Also, those do not win will have their TxID rolled over to the next project competition.
1. The MTO pool is the official designated address for STPT to receive tokens. It will be formally announced when the activity starts. The address of the 2nd MTO event (BTMX) is: 0x91DA5c430F70Bb3D5A677dAF0da9D6d982d16c86
2. The final MTO score is calculated through an encrypted algorithm based on TxID, number of STPT participated and participation rate.
Final MTO Score = Super Multiplier *Multiplier *(TxID Score)
3. Multiplier is the floor of the number of STPT in the TxID divided by 20. Valid participation needs at least 20 STPT in the TxID. The highest multiplier in a single transaction is 15 (Multiplier of transactions with more than 300 STPT will be calculated as 15).

4. Super Multiplier is a conditional reward for participants to double the score
Condition A: If the last digit of TxID is even number, the score will be doubled
(Note that TxID is a hexadecimal string, so digits 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, a, c, e are even numbers)
Condition B: If a participant participates in all 3 days’ event, with TxID a total investment of at least 900 STPT, the participant’s score of the last submitted TxID will be doubled.
(Note that the identity of a participant is based on the wallet address)
*Super Multiplier can be accumulated with both conditions satisfied.

5. Every TxID transaction number is a 64-digit hexadecimal string. We convert the hexadecimal string into a set of 16 continuous English letter that contains the letter “S”, “T”, and “P” (see table below):

In the converted 64-digit English letter combination:
a. The base TxID score is 1;
b. If any new letter from “S”, “T” or “P” appears, add 2 points;
c. If any new continuous letter combination from “ST”, “TP” or “PT” appears, add 20 points;
d. If any new continuous letter combination from “STP” or “TPT” appears, add 50 points;
e. If new continuous letter combination of “STPT” appears, add 100 points;
f. The points above can be accumulated.
6. The list of winners will be the participants with the top 500 MTO score. Participants with the same MTO score will be ranked by their participation time.
7. The remaining TxIDs from the first round will be automatically rolled into the second round. The TxID score will be recalculated based on the new rules and will be eligible for the Super Multiplier (Condition A).
8. The market price of BTMX and STPT is taken from the average price off CoinMarketCap platform over the prior 14 days as the reference standard.
9. All rights reserved to STP Network.
How to complete a STPT & BTMX MTO transaction?
1. Winners transfer their winning amount of STPT to the MTO pool through the same ERC-20 wallet that they participated in the MTO with.
2. After confirmation, our official staff will transfer BTMX to the winners’ wallet address.
- Nothing herein shall constitute or be construed as an offering of securities or as investment advice or investment recommendations by STP or any of its affiliates. STP is not providing any broker-dealer, investment advisory, legal, financial or tax-related service. Potential participants must conduct their own due diligence of any issuer, token or token-based security. You are solely responsible for determining whether any investment, investment strategy, token or token-based security is appropriate for you based on your personal investment objectives, financial circumstances and risk tolerance.
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