Market Overview
Q: What is the adoption strategy for Chromia? There are so many blockchain platforms already, and it is getting more competitive each day. How will Chromia successfully compete for adoption?
A: When a developer finds things faster and easier by using Chromia, he will look at it. We’ve done a social network forum/dFApp in < 1000 lines of code. One of the devs did a tic-tac-toe app on the chain, it already completed game logic, detecting wins, sign up as a user in a list of wanting to play, match to other that want to play and make moves. All took him 3 hours and 140 lines of codes. As an exercise to the reader, do the same in your other blockchain of choice. And then count the lines and hours. I’m confident that Chromia is on a large scale more productive.
Q: What is the reason for the Change from Chromapolis and now to Chromia. Don’t you think maintaining the parent company’s name Chromaway would have given more credibility to the project? Do you plan to Hedge the IEO fund in case of a sudden reduction in the price of BTC or KCS as the case may be so as not to affect future development? Is there going to be an inhouse dApps built by chromia on its blockchain or will that be left to only external developers? Cryptocurrency user adoption is on the rise, but we haven’t reached the consumer adoption phase yet. Will your parent company play any role in the adoption of dApps built on your Blockchain?
A: It is not like to hide that “Chromia” relates to ChromaWay. But ChromaWay has traditionally worked more with enterprise use-cases. Chromia is more on the bleeding edge and a project in itself. Given time, I think a lot of enterprises will consider public blockchains. However, at the start, we believe in more of crazy experimental entrepreneurs, game-changes, and gamers will jump to Chromia. On hedging the IEO fund: Note that we already raised a pre-seed round of $11M, and $2M in IEO, so it is not a crazy amount of new money. As a responsible company, part of the resources are kept in fiat (low-risk asset) vs. cryptocurrencies (high-risk asset). We are long-term. In-house dApps vs. external dApps: We need to (we think) build some dApps as examples to show what is possible. Hard to explain otherwise. So we are making some dApps, ranging from enterprise applications to games. But really, we want more and more external developers and entrepreneurs. If you have good business ideas etc., we will try to support both financially and with other means, because we need more dApps on the platform.
Q: Every new blockchain having problems with not enough dApps, how do you plan to solve this? Almost all projects are giving grants etc.
A: We give grants, yes. But when developers on other blockchains become frustrated after months of development, stacks of layers with servers and caching and things, and then find a smooth, powerful, performant and open and decentralized tool, they will not ONLY look at the size of the grant. But we will support financially too.
Q: so could you please tell me what’s Chromia the most significant advantage to other competitors?
A: Chromia is the most productive (fewest lines of codes, fastest to the system), and sturdy (same tech as used by 99% of all Enterprise applications) blockchain programming environment. It’s because it is a relational blockchain, a combination of blockchain security with a relational database. Productivity and the power of translate to market faster, but also the actual means to create the applications we want, public appeals with controlled by users, it can disruptive user governed social media, political systems and more.
Q: Do you have a specific reason to focus on middle age users?
A: Yes, I’m middle aged old, too, so I know the audience. We have no time to go onto exchanges to buy tokens to play a little game. So Chromia needs to support super-easy onboarding the middle-aged of us.
Q: Most of the blockchain using the PBFT/BFT algorithm and sidechain/multilayer sharding, so who you are different from others?
The user experience of dApps to achieve parity with centralized applications, could you please elaborate it more, how the user experience going to improved?
A: We are not saying that we need to be different in all accounts. The main innovation is the relational blockchain. Then that the application decides which of change know nodes should participate in its network. “We” don’t select the nodes. It is the application (developer) himself. So you can choose reputable companies which you think are unlikely to collide. And Chromia (compared to some other blockchains), the end user does not need to acquire and hold our token. The application developer (or delegated to someone else) decides how to monetize, and the application will pay for the hosting. So it works with free applications: free to play games, free voting apps, free all apps. We want middle-aged people to play casual games on the bus, based on Chromia.
Q: Can you tell more about green finance and environmental reporting?
A: It is a non-profit Stockholm Green Digital Finance working on this app, we did a federated blockchain version last year and presented it in Paris in November.
Q: What’s an essential use case of Chromia?
A: Important? I think applications which are controlled by users and the public. We have a fantastic blog post about it https://blog.chromia.com/towards-publicly-hosted-applications/
Q: Which green projects you love and government projects?
A: We are doing a project around Green Finance and environmental reporting. We do not currently promise government projects on Chromia. Would be careful, though, but no promise.
Q: What do you think about restrictions and developing apps on the blockchain network, since this is still a blockchain project with global distributed investors?
A: With Chromia, an application developer can choose which Providers to use by himself. So maybe there are restrictions from the governments which countries you can work with, then you exclude Providers from those countries up to the application itself (usually the dev).
Q: What’s your plan on getting used to utilizing Chromia? Is gaming a big enough use case now that several other blockchain protocols are focusing on it?
A: It is still a small market. We come with something new, not only NFT but complete game logic on the chain. There will be many more apps can be built, but it does not suit every app.
Q: How hard it would be for someone to program with Rell if he has moderate knowledge of let’s say Java and C?
A: If you know Java and C, you can pick up Rell in a week or two, and if you have previous experience with SQL, it will be faster. But there are books called “learn SQL in 10 minutes”, it sits on my colleagues’ desk right in front of me.
Q: What apps are you personally most excited to develop on Chromia?
A: Apps help in improving people lives. I love the green project, and I love social networks where the users have a say. But also I love government projects: In the future, I hope we can have land-registries, voting, etc. on the chain.
Q: What category do you think would be the ideal dApps for Chromia besides games? Do you have any dApps in the pipeline set to release soon
A: One thing I think fantastic is a new kind of social networks. We will issue a sample of a social forum. Sign up for testing on chromia.com site which opened yesterday. Also: we are helping a non-profit with an application to handle green investments, share the environmental effects reporting with an audit trail among issuers (companies, like builders), banks, asset managers, and validators. And we will also have banks on a public chain. With a legal firm in Sweden, we are focusing a system on handling the cap-table, assignment of shares, voting in companies. This system is entirely legal. Going onto Chromia to check more information.
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